Scouts Sean Zediker, Wayne Allen, Blake Stevens and Mayor Demshar, Photo Provided By Boy Scouts of America, Troop 4
The Boy Scouts of America Rock Springs Troop 4 held a court of honor on May 19 at the 1st Congregational Church to honor three Scouts who have obtained the rank of Eagle Scout. Rock Springs’ Mayor Demshar presented each scout a city proclamation recognizing the achievement of the highest rank in scouting.
According to a release from Boy Scouts of America Troop 4, Wayne Allen, Blake Stevens and Sean Zediker have all devoted themselves to serving others through their membership in the Boy Scouts of America; and have demonstrated a commitment to meet challenges with enthusiasm, confidence and outstanding service. The Eagle Scout awards symbolize the American ideal of good citizenship.
Wayne Allen will attend the University of Wyoming in the fall to study engineering. Blake Stevens will attend the University of Wyoming Haub College of Environment and Natural Resources. Sean Zediker is joining the United States Marine Corps to continue service to his country. The young men agree the skills they learned from scouting have prepared them for their future endeavors.
To earn the Eagle Scout rank, Wayne, Blake and Sean were each required to fulfill requirements in the area of leadership, community service and outdoor skills. While there are many options available to demonstrate proficiency in these areas, a number of specific skills are required to advance through the ranks – Tenderfoot, Second Class, First Class, Star, Life and ultimately Eagle. To advance, a Boy Scout must complete specific tasks, which are organized by requirements and merit badges. Merit badges signify the mastery of certain skills and general knowledge including First Aid, Citizenship in the Community and Public Speaking. Of the more than 150 merit badges available, at least 21 must be earned to qualify for Eagle Scout.
Also a part of the Eagle requirement, each Scout completed an Eagle Scout service project. Wayne’s project was to design and build shelving for Northpark Elementary. Blake designed and installed a sprinkler system at Trinity Lutheran Church and Sean, through the Muley Fanatic organization, designed, built and placed no poaching signs throughout southern Wyoming. These young men had to create a budget, raise funds, purchase materials and finally organize and lead a team of Scouts, parents and friends to complete their projects.
Only two out of every 100 boy scouts attain the rank of Eagle or approximately 2.5% of all young men who participate in the BSA scouting program. This represents more than one million boy scouts who have earned the rank since 1911.