Sweetwater County Relay For Life Kickoff Event April 13

Relay For Life, American Cancer Society

Relay For Life, American Cancer Society

Relay For Life participants in Sweetwater County have the chance to attend a Relay Kickoff to learn about this year’s event and to get information about recent changes to the Relay.300x250_RMB

The Relay Kickoff takes place from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the Park Hotel Banquet Hall (located next to Fiesta Guadalajara) on Wednesday, April 13th. Food will be provided by Fiesta Guadalajara.

Interested parties can attend the Kickoff at any time during the two hours it’s open.

“We’ve made a lot of changes this year so we anticipate that there’s going to be a lot of questions,” said Janell Labelle, a specialist for Relay for Life and Community Manager for the event. “And even just for us to get the information out there because people might not know to ask those questions because we’ve made those changes.”

Stations will be set up to highlight a variety of subjects.

Fundraising ideas will also be available during the Kickoff.

What changes have been made this year and why?

Date: The 2016 Sweetwater County Relay For Life takes place on Saturday, June 11th. Previously, the Relay For Life event was held during Father’s Day weekend, which created scheduling conflicts with other events in the community. The date was moved up in order to limit some of those conflicts and to allow people to enjoy all the events offered in the area.

Time: Relay For Life will run from 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. rather than overnight. Because people are so limited on time, the Relay was shortened to better fit busy lifestyles. In addition, this keeps participants from walking those long overnight hours that can be difficult to fill.

Location: This year’s event will take place in Bunning Park. Despite the great location at WWCC, event organizers noted that the wind has taken its toll during the walk. Moving the Relay to Bunning Park creates more wind cover and can eliminate or reduce some of the problems caused by the wind in previous years.

For more information of Sweetwater County Relay For Life, visit www.relayforlife.org/rockspringswy or visit their Facebook page.