Rock Springs Police Crack Down On Distracted Driving

In response to community feedback requesting more enforcement on the regulation of cell phone use in vehicles, The Rock Springs Police Department will participate in saturation patrols targeting distracted driving.EZ_Cash 300x250_

According to the National Highway Safety and Traffic Administration, “In 2014, 3,179 people were killed, and 431,000 were injured in motor vehicle crashes involving distracted drivers.” 

RSPD will address the growing problem of distracted driving by utilizing officers during regular shifts to aid in traffic and specifically address any cell phone use violations.

During these saturation patrols, officers of the RSPD will also be on the lookout for speed violations and drivers who are exhibiting signs of impairment. These patrols will include officers utilizing unmarked police vehicles to observe traffic and drivers using cell phones while driving.

In order to anticipate pedestrians, bicyclists, and other vehicles approaching and leaving roadways, Chief Pacheco encourages drivers to put their phone down while driving.

“It is not only dangerous, it is against the law”, Chief Pacheco warns.