Rock Springs Councilman Tim Savage playing with the dogs during the dedication Thursday morning. RSPD Photo
The new dog exercise area at Rock Springs Animal Control which was opened on May 4th, was dedicated late Thursday morning by City Councilman Tim Savage. The area is completely fenced in and surrounded by large trees.
After 8 years of logistics and goals, Rock Springs Animal Control has now opened a dog exercise area for current dogs in the shelter to spend time outside. In addition, the exercise area serves as a space for citizens looking to adopt, to check compatibility between current pets and prospective pets.
Animal Control Supervisor Mike Kiggins said “this area provides a good opportunity for future owners to not only check compatibility between current pets and new dogs but between the owner and a new pet too.” With the ability to spend time with an animal in an open, neutral area, Kiggins believes this will help decrease citizens bringing animals back after they find that a newly adopted pet was not compatible with their other pets.
Councilman Savage and Supervisor Kiggins credited the new exercise area to Mayor Carl Demshar for making this a reality for Animal Control. The cost of completion of this new area was approximately $5,000 and without Mayor Demshar’s support, it would not have been possible. Councilman Savage stated, “This is exactly what was needed to make this facility even better.” The progress of reaching this point has been in the works for the past 3 years with actual construction beginning in April 2016 and completed on May 3rd.
Animal Control sees countless numbers of animals come through its doors throughout the year. Today, there are currently 17 dogs being housed at the facility. With a facility this size, this exercise area is a great addition for these animals to have time outside while awaiting adoption. Current adoption fees for dogs and puppies are $80. The public is always encouraged to come see animals during their regular business hours.
During the dedication, two younger female dogs enjoyed the new exercise area and stamped it with their approval of dog drool. Stop by to check out the new exercise area visit the animals awaiting a new home. Follow Rock Springs Animal Control on Facebook for updates on current animals or call them at 307-352-1455.