High Winds Tuesday And Wednesday

wind-sock-59990_640People in Wyoming can expect high winds on Tuesday and Wednesday.300x250_RMB

Chris Jones, Meteorologist with the National Weather Service Riverton Office, said a weather system will cause cooler temperatures and high winds in much of Wyoming.

“This system is passing to our north, not bringing a lot of precipitation with it but really packing a pretty good punch in terms of wind,” said Jones. “Believe it or not, there will be windier places in the state than in Sweetwater County come Tuesday and Wednesday.”

In Sweetwater County, that means 20 to 30 mile per hour sustained winds with gusts 45 to 50 miles per hour. Jones said Tuesday looks to be the windiest of the two days.

Other parts of the state can expect even higher winds with parts of Northeastern Wyoming anticipating wind gusts over 60 miles per hour.

Winds should start to die down as we reach Thursday and Friday with high temperatures potentially in the 60s.