Governor Mead Applauds Supreme Court’s Decision to Stay the Clean Power Plan

Wyoming Governor Matt Mead is extremely pleased that the U.S. Supreme Court granted a stay of the Environmental Protection Agency’s Clean Power Plan, according to the Governor’s office. Wyoming joined West Virginia and numerous other states in seeking a stay from the Court. The Court ruled 5-4 on Tuesday to impose a stay.RS Airport

“This is a big win for Wyoming and the nation,” said Governor Mead in a release. “It puts on hold this very bad policy based on a deeply flawed process while the legal issues are being addressed. I couldn’t be happier.”

The Governor also reiterates his support for solutions to make energy cleaner with technology instead of overreaching regulation.

“Wyoming will continue to lead in improving energy technology,” Governor Mead said. “Projects such as the Integrated Test Center are vital to meeting our country’s current and future energy needs and the federal government should get on board.”