Area Boy Scouts and Cub Scouts are Scouting for Food

On Saturday, November 19, local Boy Scouts and Cub Scouts in Rock Springs and Green River will be Scouting for Food. This

Picture courtesy of BSA Wyoming Trails District

Picture courtesy of BSA Wyoming Trails District

food collection event is part of the annual Scouting for Food initiative, an effort by Packs and Troops across the nation to fight hunger. All food collected will be delivered to the Rock Springs and Green River Food Banks.

The method of collection is chosen by each Scout Troop. In some areas, Scouts will be going door-to-door on November 19 asking for donations. Other areas will receive a donation bag sometime during the week prior to the November 19 collection date. If you will not be home on collection day and do not receive a bag but still wish to donate food, you can donate by leaving your donation in a bag on your porch.

Items needed must be non-perishable and include: canned meats/fish, fruit juice, soups, baby formula, jello, pudding mix, pasta, sauces, canned fruit, canned vegetables, baby cereal, powdered milk, peanut butter, hot or cold cereal.  No outdated or opened items, please.

For more information about our local Scouting for Food event, contact Budd Allen at (307) 707-5365.