WBC accepting applicants for Broadband Advisory Council

The Wyoming Business Council is accepting applications through May 4 for people interested in serving on a newly-formed Broadband Advisory Council.

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The Wyoming Legislature created the Broadband Advisory Council during its 2018 session to expand broadband opportunities to unserved areas of the state.

Advisory Council members will provide advice and make recommendations to the Business Council on:

  • An inventory and map of current broadband availability and identification of areas of the state unserved by broadband technology;
  • Needs, practices and technologies for providing broadband services in the most efficient manner possible; and
  • Ensuring state and local policies are conducive to development of broadband services

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The Advisory Council will propose to the Business Council a state Broadband Enhancement Plan for adoption by Sept. 1, 2018. By March 1, 2020, the Advisory Council will propose recommended changes to upload and download speeds specified in unserved areas.

The Advisory Council will consist of 11 members of the public from across the state appointed by the Business Council in consultation with the ENDOW executive council.

Members will be from different areas of the state, have different interests and backgrounds, including economic development, government, broadband service, technology-related businesses, health care, education, library services and public safety.

Advisory Council members will receive per diem and travel expenses incurred in the performance of their duties.

Those interested in serving on the Broadband Advisory Council are encouraged to submit a resume and the attached application to Colin McKee at [email protected].