Rock Springs Chamber Plans Project To Fly Flags Of 56 Nationalities

Tracie Perkins/WyoRadio

Tracie Perkins/WyoRadio

The Rock Springs Chamber of Commerce is working on a project highlighting Rock Springs as the “Home of 56 Nationalities. Host to All.”


The Chamber is in the process of planning to place flags from the 56 original nationalities on 15 foot flag poles near the Rock Springs Chamber Visitor Complex on Dewar Drive.

Chamber CEO Dave Hanks said the flags would be flown on both sides of Dewar Drive, creating somewhat of a “mini avenue of flags” as people come into town.

“I think that will be a real eye catcher. I think people will definitely notice that,” said Hanks. “It reflects positively on our heritage. It reflects on the positive and progressive nature of our community. It kind of sends out that welcoming invitation to people as their coming in whether they’re relocating here, moving here for work, or just visiting here.”

Hanks says the project is still in its planning phase. The Chamber is working on the design and collaborating with the Wyoming Department of Transportation to ensure the project will work.

Hanks says people have already shown support and expressed the desire to assist with the project, even though they are still planning it. He said once they finish design and planning, they will be able to work a cost estimate and begin raising funds.

Hanks said there is no current estimate on when we will see the 56 flags along Dewar Drive, but said the project will begin as soon as the funds are raised to make it happen.