Metaphysical forum set for April 19 at Sweetwater County Library

tarot-991041_640The library, 300 N. 1st East in Green River, is hosting its next Let’s Get Metaphysical event at 7 p.m. Tuesday, April 19. This month’s event will be an open forum of metaphysical topics.

“We wanted to give people the opportunity to explore whatever metaphysical issue interests them,” said reference librarian Bianca Jorgensen, who is organizing the event. “We want to inRS Airportvite people to bring topics to talk about, or attend to ask questions about metaphysical topics.”

This event is part of the Let’s Get Metaphysical series that has been held monthly this year at the Sweetwater County Library. The purpose of the series is to offer a more in-depth look at a variety of metaphysical topics. So far, the series has looked at battling colds and the flu naturally, dream interpretation and reiki. In May, the topic will focus on acupressure and handwriting analysis.

This class is sponsored by the Sweetwater County Library System. For more information about library events and services, drop by any Sweetwater County Library System location, visit the library system online at or follow the libraries on Facebook at