Spring Cleaning Coyote Hunting Contest

coyote-937008_640A Spring Cleaning Coyote Hunting Contest will be held in Sweetwater County May 7-8 with sign-ups on May 6th.300x250_RMB

Registration for the coyote hunting contest will take place 5 p.m.-8 p.m. on Friday, May 6th at Superior Town Hall.

The contest takes place May 7-8 with final weigh in at 5 p.m. on Sunday, May 8th.

The entry fee is $50 per two-man team. Proceeds from the hunt benefit the Town of Superior Law Enforcement funds.

First Place wins 20% of the contest pot.

Second Place wins back their entry fee plus a gift certificate to Trailhead Guns.

Third Place wins a gift certificate to Trailhead Guns.

In addition to first, second, and third place prizes, side pots will be awarded for biggest dog, smallest dog, and zombie dog.

Raffle tickets will be sold for a .22-250 rifle donated by Elk Bomb Shooting Supplies.

For more information on the hunt or to purchase a raffle ticket, contact Blake Mortensen at 307-371-0885 or reach out to him on Facebook.