Time Lapse Shows Progression Of Spring Snowstorm [VIDEO]

People say snow is beautiful, especially when you’re not shoveling it. A video from Casper resident Michael Haid shows the beauty snow can bring with it.RS Airport

With a huge Spring snowstorm expected to hit Wyoming, Haid prepared for the snow by setting up a time lapse camera.

His camera took photos every thirty seconds from around 6 p.m. March 29th until 4:30 p.m. March 30th. The results are nothing short of beautiful.

Night falls on a green lawn, but that’s not the scene when the sun comes up. Fresh snow blankets the ground at sunrise.

As the day goes on, a once perky shrub becomes somewhat dejected looking as the heavy snow takes its toll on the limbs.

As snow continues to pile up, traffic goes by and life moves on.

Haid’s wife and children enjoy their Spring break by building two snowmen as the day brightens and the once sad shrub begins to perk up once again.

Haid said his home received about 16 inches of snow from the storm.

Thank you to Michael Haid for this fun video!