Venue Changed for Sweetwater County’s Democratic County Convention and Caucus

Sweetwater County Democratic Party

Sweetwater County Democratic Party

The venue has been changed for the Sweetwater County Democratic Party 2016 County Convention and Caucus.300x250_RMB

The Caucus will be held at Lincoln Middle School located at 350 Monroe Avenue in Green River on Saturday, April 9, 2016. Doors will open at 9 a.m. and the convention will begin at 11 a.m.

“We’re recommending that people arrive early so that we can get everyone through the line and start on schedule. It’s going to be a great event. RSVPs are climbing through the roof and turnout is expected to be very high. People are really excited to come out and support Senator Sanders and Secretary Clinton,” Treasurer of the Sweetwater County Democratic Party, RJ Pieper said in a release.

The Executive Committee of the Sweetwater County Democratic Party made the decision to move the location to a larger venue due to what is expected to be a large turnout.

“All across the nation, and particularly in Western States, record numbers of voters have been coming out to participate in Democratic caucuses and primaries. After discussing the matter with the Wyoming Democratic Party and representatives of the presidential campaigns, we expect that will be the case in Sweetwater County, too,” said Joe Barbuto, Chairman of the Sweetwater Democratic Party.

The event was originally scheduled to take place at the Green River Campus of WWCC.

People wishing to participate in the caucus and convention must be registered as Democrats in Sweetwater County by Friday, March 25th, 2016.

Contact the Sweetwater County Clerk’s Office at (307) 872-3733 or (307) 922-5208 for more information about registering to vote. Those wishing to RSVP can do so at