Judy Winter Named Rock Springs Main Street/URA Volunteer Of The Month

Photo Provided By Rock Springs URA

Photo Provided By Rock Springs URA

The Organization Committee of the Rock Springs Main Street/URA announced Judy Winter as their February Volunteer of the Month.300x250_RMB

Judy was a true Rock Springs native.  Born and raised near downtown, she had little desire to live anywhere else, the URA said in a release. Although she knew it was necessary, it broke her heart when they tore down her beloved Rock Springs High School, later known as East Jr. High School.

She often reflected on the past when there were so many downtown stores and longed for the day when they’d return so people could once again walk the streets and window shop, like they used to in days gone by.

Judy didn’t care for the limelight and often remained during URA meetings, but when she got home she would tell her ideas to her husband, Charley, who she knew would go in “guns a blazing” to the next meeting.  She felt very strongly about dangerous, empty buildings that plague our downtown area, the very reason the original URA was created.

If asked, Judy would sell tickets or serve on committees with friends or alongside her husband.  Judy always tried to shop Downtown Rock Springs first and attend events presented at the Broadway Theater or Bunning Park.

Judy passed away on December 10, 2015 at the age of 73 after a brief illness.  She graduated from Rock Springs High School with the class of 1960.  Judy served as the class reunion treasurer and for many years and was a secretary for Sweetwater Federal Savings and Loan downtown for 20 years, a job she dearly loved.

Judy would consider it a great honor to be the Volunteer of the Month.  Because of Judy’s involvement with the URA over the years, the committee felt it appropriate to honor her for her years of service, posthumously.

The Rock Springs Main Street/URA is charged with the redevelopment of Downtown Rock Springs.  As part of their mission, there are four standing committees – Economic Restructuring, Organization, Promotions and Design.  The Organization Committee plays a key role in keeping the Board, Committees, staff and programs of work in good shape by attracting people and funds for the organization.  For more information contact the Rock Springs Main Street/URA at 307-352-1434 or visit their website at DowntownRS.com.