Members of Law Enforcement Learn Verbal Judo In Rock Springs

Tracie Perkins/WyoRadio

Tracie Perkins/WyoRadio

Over 100 law enforcement officials from a variety of agencies are in Rock Springs today to learn techniques to diffuse potentially dangerous situations.

The Sweetwater County Sheriff’s Department and Rock Springs Police Department are sponsoring a one-day Verbal Judo training from the Verbal Judo Institute.RS Airport

Verbal Judo helps people to effectively communicate what they want in a situation and can help someone to take the lead in most disputes. It is considered to be the martial art of the mind and mouth, according to Janine Paul, a national instructor for the Verbal Judo Institute.

“I’m trying to train them in the deescalation techniques—in order to use language to their benefit and speak to people in a manner to help deescalate the situation without it having to go any further in order to keep not only themselves safe, but the public safer as well,” said Paul.

In tense situations, words can be the best tool for keeping things under control.

“When people are under stress or they’re full of anxiety or fear, sometimes they simply just lack the ability to think clearly for themselves,” said Paul.

The training helps people to take control of a situation and properly communicate a message in order to reach an understanding.

Instructors around the country teach Verbal Judo for a variety of situations. Although it began primarily for law enforcement, the technique can be used in a wide range of scenarios.

“It can help you diffuse confrontations and generate cooperation, whether you’re talking to a boss, a spouse or even a teenager,” Paul said.

Sheriff’s spokesman Dick Blust says the department decided to train officers in Verbal Judo because it is an effective way to resolve a situation without any kind of physical altercation.

“We would always prefer to resolve a situation quietly and peacefully, than otherwise,” said Blust “And Verbal Judo is one of the best tools of doing that—one of the best strategies.”

Blust said Verbal Judo has been around and used effectively for decades.

In total, about 130 people signed up for the training. Participants include local police from Green River and Rock Springs, Sweetwater County Deputy Sheriffs, Wyoming Highway Patrol Troopers, Wyoming Game and Fish Game Wardens, Wyoming Department of Probation and Parole employees, Detention Officers, Communications Officers, and other city and county employees.

Most of the participants are from Sweetwater County, but some are from nearby counties.